Uutiset Interview with Tomplex, playing live day 22.9 at 22.00 outdoors nearby Oranssi Building. At the festival you will collaborate with Random Doctors, it is a long term collaboration, can you tell us... BRAINDANCE WITH TOMPLEX 20 September 2017 Free Lunch! Please enroll below, limited places! Day 23.9 at 13:00 at Sauna Building. Please join us for a free lunch, hosted by the Garden of Others project in the frame of Empathy as Resistance.... LUNCH AS A TEMPORARY AUTONOMOUS ZONE 19 September 2017 Projection Mapping Pixelache by Krisjanis Rijnieks, Helsinki 13 September 2017 https://rijnieks.com https://ofxpimapper.com This is a short story about the software behind the Projection Mapping... OUR MEMBER KRISJANIS RIJNIEKS TELLS ABOUT HIS CREATION: PROJECTION MAPPING WITH THE RASPBERRY PI 19 September 2017 Interview withTuuli Malla andLauri Jäntti, the artists behindUrban Hitchhiking, a projects between contemporary art and urban activism, present at the festival in the form of a free workshop day... PUBLIC SPACE AND PRESENCE: THE NARRATIVE OF RANDOM ENCOUNTERS 19 September 2017 « Ensimmäinen ‹ Edellinen 1 2 3 4 Seuraava › Viimeinen »