How are we defending our Commons in different places? What money for the Commons?
Solidarity economy building from Helsinki to Saamiland, and beyond.
Workshop on currency, Sunday 24, 14:30 - 16:30 at Oranssi Conference Room.
In different locations, together with local authorities citizens are developing platforms, working groups and charters to generate environments for other economy building. This is connected to the discussion regarding our financial system and money. Internationally, a growing movement is arguing that achieving a different economy based on social and ecological sustainability requires new forms of money. How can alternative, commons-based currencies alleviate resource deficiencies locally while contributing to the common good (e.g. through innovative tax solutions)?
Where do we stand with these discussions in Helsinki and elsewhere? We will be having a participatory discussion with different actors engaged in this discussion in Helsinki and it is a pleasure to also have with us members of the RIPESS Solidarity economy network Europe team, who will also be able to share on progressive experiences elsewhere.
The session is organized by Commons.fi and the Alternative Financial System and Money for Finland-initiative.
Image by Commonstransitions.